022 508 6503 info@titoki.org.nz


Become a Volunteer

Become a Titoki Volunteer

Join Our Team of Dedicated Volunteers at Titoki Christian Healing Centre

Volunteers are an integral part of Titoki Christian Healing Centre’s operational framework. Their contributions span a wide range of tasks including preservation efforts, lawn maintenance, painting, and gardening, all of which are invaluable to our mission. The staff and board members at Titoki extend heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated volunteers, whose unwavering support ensures the smooth operation of our center on a weekly basis.

We warmly welcome new volunteers to join our team and offer their support. If you’re interested in becoming a part of our volunteer community, please complete the form below and submit it to us. We’ll promptly reach out to discuss your preferences and how you can contribute to our cause.

Thank you for considering joining us in our mission to serve our community and promote healing at Titoki Christian Healing Centre.

Get In touch

What can you volunteer for or donate?