022 508 6503 info@titoki.org.nz
February 11, 2025

Releasing God’s Love & Power through Blessing with Richard Brunton | March 22


Start reading

Releasing God’s Love & Power Through Blessing



March 22nd






9am – 6pm





To register:

E: info@titoki.org.nz

P: 022 508 6503



What to expect

Richard Brunton has seen many miracles after receiving a revelation of the power of blessing.

He loves to share this knowledge with others through writing books and speaking at churches both in NZ and globally.

You’ll hear testimonies of marriages being restored or enhanced, parent-child relationships restored, emotional and physical healings, deliverances, curses broken, situations turned around, and many salvations. 

Blessing activates God’s love and power. Participants will experience this for themselves, particularly as they bless others.

We welcome you to attend this interactive seminar which is a mix of teaching, doing and sharing. You’ll learn to craft your own blessing prayers, and be empowered to minister.



9.00 – 10.00   The insight, blessing as a verb, three keys to  releasing blessing, simple practice, receiving a                                   father’s blessing.

10.00 – 10.30  Morning Tea

10.30 – 11.30   Beyond forgiveness to blessing those who (have) hurt you. Healing the wounds of the heart.

11.30 – 12.00    Identifying curses we inadvertently speak over ourselves; consequently limiting ourselves.

12.00 – 12.30    Blessing ourselves

12.30 – 1.30    Lunch

1.30 – 2.00        Healing the body through blessing it.

2.00 – 3.00       Blessing your spouse, children, and family.

3.00 – 3.30       Blessing your home and place of work.

3.30 – 4.00     Afternoon Tea

4.00 – 5.30        Blessing others, strangers

5.30 – 6.00        Q & A; discussion/reflections


Registration fee: $90, including lunch, morning & afternoon teas.

About the Facilitator

Richard Brunton

Richard was a pioneer of the market research industry in NZ. He co-founded Colmar Brunton Research in 1981 and built the business into the country’s best known and most trusted research company. He became a Christian 3 years later and in 2014, retired as Chief Executive and devoted himself to the healing and deliverance ministries through Charisma Christian Ministries.

 In 2015 God have him a revelation about the power of blessing, especially the power of a father’s blessing. This led to him writing a short practical booklet called the Awesome Power of Blessing, published in 2016, with subsequent editions in 2017 and 2019. The book became a best seller in NZ with over 150,000 copies sold. Over this period, he wrote another booklet called Anointed for Work.

 Richard has spoken at churches and ministries throughout NZ, and also Australia, Fiji, Tonga, Indonesia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Brazil, India and Pakistan. Many testimonies have come in and this led to the publishing of The Blessing Effect in 2020, testimonies around marriages being restored or enhanced, parent-child relationships restored, emotional and physical healings, deliverances, curses broken, situations turned around, and many, many salvations.

 The results are astounding. Today there are millions of books in print, in 51 languages. People have discovered their authority in Christ Jesus, and the power of their words, to speak and release blessing over themselves and others. Richard attends Faithpointe Church in Auckland. He is married to Nicole.

After learning to speak French, Richard spends time between NZ and New Caledonia. He is a keen gardener and a (mostly) retired boatie/fisherman.





Are you travelling for the seminar?

Overnight accommodation is available at Titoki on the Friday and Saturday nights.

Titoki’s rooms are warm, comfortable and of motel standard.  Linen and towels are provided.

 Accommodation per night: 

Includes continental breakfast

Private room with ensuite: $90

Double or twin share with ensuite: $150


The registration includes Saturday lunch, morning & arvo teas.

If you choose to stay on the Friday night breakfast is included.

There is no dinner provided on the Friday night so you may wish to pick up dinner on the way, or to dine out in Whakatane (10 mins drive).