022 508 6503 info@titoki.org.nz
August 29, 2024

Finding Home – The Conference | Nov 29-Dec 1


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Finding Home – The Conference


Nov 29 – Dec 1, 2024






This retreat starts at 7pm on Friday night. You’re welcome to pick up dinner on the way and arrive from 4pm onwards to settle in.

We will depart on Sunday after lunch.


E: info@titoki.org.nz

P: 022 508 6503

What to expect?


The Finding Home conference, set to take place within the grounds of Titoki Healing Centre, will explore the transformative nature of love and its impact on our growth and quality of the lives we lead.

“Love is a deeply transformative force that can profoundly impact us from within.” Some of the challenges we face and the patterns we cannot break will never be overcome without the change that only transformative love can bring within us.

Our weekend together will focus on 3 key dimensions of love: – Time will be given to experience the establishing of love as a lasting presence within us – John 14:23 & 17:26

– Rejuvenating and bringing out the inherent treasures within our hearts and personalities

– Eliminating non-loving elements within our hearts


Together we will explore the transformation love brings within our own identity and the necessity of finding and embracing:

1) Connection with: Father, self & each other

2) Our Meaning & purpose

3) The place & importance of enjoyment and fun

The presence of God & experiential learning

During our time together you will encounter the important learning styles of :

– Experiential learning,

– Connection & sharing in smaller groups

– Practicing the presence of God together

You will find that these practices greatly enhance and deepen your experience over the weekend.

This time is designed for those open to heart connection and personal transformation, aiming to integrate revelation into our daily lives to experience genuine change. It seeks to resonate with each individuals’ deep calling for transformation and the manifestation of our unique identity as sons & daughters of God.


Hear all about it from Mark:


Accommodation & Prices

You have the choice of staying over at Titoki Healing Centre or joining us as a day guest!


Titoki’s rooms are warm, comfortable and of  motel standard. Some rooms have ensuites, while others have shared bathrooms.


Price of the retreat includes meals, accommodation, and facilitators fee:


Private room with ensuite: $480
Private room with shared bathroom: $440
Couple or twin with ensuite: $820

Day Guest, including meals: $300



Meals are healthy & delicious, made from fresh Titoki produce and will be served along with snacks, teas and coffee.  There is a surcharge for special dietary requirements, please let us know at the time of booking.




Meet the Facilitators

As the visionary and founder of Finding Home, Mark Head is considered a pioneer in the field of integrating spiritual truths into the minutiae of our daily lives – that is Spirit led and not effort driven!

Very early on in his years of leading Fatherheart Ministries he recognised the need to connect the highs experienced in conferences and schools and translate that into an experienced reality in all aspects of our lives.

With that vision he pioneered the popular Fatherheart Ministries H Schools. These unique schools carried a focus of taking the deep revelation of the Father and translating it into a practical grid of understanding. This empowered participants to ‘see it for themselves’ in the context of their own lives.

During the Covid outbreak in 2020 Mark had the vision to take Fatherheart Ministries online. This precedence setting work continued to deepen, leading to the launch of ‘The Finding Home Journey Membership’ in 2022. This thriving international online community focuses on genuine growth, authentic connection and empowers members to “Go where the life is”.



In 2006 we attended Fatherheart schools the impact and shift in direction was massive.

We are still on this journey today- experiencing more of the love of God as Father and all that brings.

What a privilege to be affirmed and validated for who we are, as our own unique selves.

Our natural love of being parents and grandparents has become the foundation for what we would term our ‘ministry’

We have travelled extensively over the last 20 years as we felt called.

We get great joy in standing alongside others as they too, experience His love and affirmation.

Lending a listening ear, a word of wisdom and counsel.

Praying and encouraging those whose path we cross, as we journey towards our ultimate destination; our hearts at rest in the very heart of God.

Karen and Kelvyn have been farmers all their lives. They are in their 56th year of marriage and continue to be best friends. Their lives are enhanced and completed with 5 children and their partners, as well as 18 grandchildren.