022 508 6503 info@titoki.org.nz
August 21, 2024

Finding Healing from Loss and Grief retreat | Nov 22-24


Start reading


22nd – 24th

November 2024





7pm Friday –

11:30am Sunday





To register:

E: info@titoki.org.nz

P: 022 508 6503



What’s ‘Working Through Grief’ about?

An interactive workshop from a Christian perspective, for those experiencing loss or who are bereaved in traumatic circumstances.

“He attempted to take his own life and isn’t expected to live.”

 No one ever wants to hear those words…

How do we deal with the perplexing and painful feelings that surface within us? We can stuff them deep where they fester, spurting out to cover those who awkwardly offer help. We can deny them and see them emerge as physical illness. Where is God in all of this?


In this workshop you will learn how God uses grief as a redemptive experience, and how following him in our grief leads to rekindled hope and transformation rather than restoration. The workshop includes grounded teaching and contemplative activities and is suitable for anyone working through the grieving process. There will be a mix of activities to process your grief, group sharing and discussion, and time-out alone with the Lord to ponder what he’s saying to you.



Format of the retreat


Guests are welcome to arrive on Friday between 5 – 6.45pm.  Pick up some dinner on your way. The first session will commence at 7:00pm on Friday evening and will be a time of introductions and sharing.


The format will be a mix of teaching, group sharing and discussion, with time out alone with the Lord to ponder what he’s saying. There will be free time from 3 – 6pm on Saturday afternoon.


We will end with a morning tea before the retreat finishes at approximately 11:30am on Sunday.


What do we bring?


Please bring a photo of your loved one to put on the Memorial table, or an object that represents that person. Please also bring a pen and Bible.


Comments from previous participants


“Gaynor’s gentle, empathetic manner in dealing with difficult subjects shows us God’s love in an extraordinarily discerning way that is rare.” DM

“Sharing together in a safe environment was most helpful.” TN





Single private room with ensuite: $360

Couple or twin share with ensuite: $580

Single private room with shared bathroom: $320

Day guests (includes meals): $120





About the Facilitator

Gaynor Lincoln

I work as a part time hospital chaplain and have been involved in chaplaincy for 7 years. I was a primary school teacher for many years prior to becoming a chaplain. A close family member took his life five years ago which shook my world, and out of the spiritual and emotional growth from that experience, I wrote the book “Redemptive Grief”.


The idea of workshops like this developed from finding the book was helpful to those who read it.





Are you travelling for the seminar?

Accommodation is available at Titoki.

Titoki’s rooms are warm, comfortable and of motel standard.  Linen and towels are provided. All rooms have electric blankets.




The first session on Friday night starts at 7pm, so if you are travelling you may want to grab some dinner on your way.

Morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner are provided on the Saturday.

Breakfast for those staying at Titoki is provided on Saturday and Sunday morning.

The retreat ends after a late morning tea on Sunday.

Please let us know in advance if you have any dietary special requirements (a $10 per day surcharge applies)